certified konmari consulting

it’s a practice

At the Whistling Well, we teach and practice the KonMari Method™ developed by Marie Kondo as presented in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Trained and certified by Marie Kondo and her company, we will guide you through the practice of tidying, which entails:

  • imagining your ideal lifestyle in detail

  • confronting all of your belongings by category

  • choosing only the items that bring you joy

  • clearing the rest

  • storing joyful possessions thoughtfully, beautifully and deliberately

Putting life in order by tidying will change your life. We can help you impact positive transformation.

Our Services

  • For clients who are looking to organize their entire home and undergo a Tidy Festival.

  • For clients who want to tackle one room, such as a home office or kitchen.

  • For clients who are looking to move to a smaller space.


what if

Imagine walking into your home and being surrounded not only by the people you love, but also the things that spark joy. Every item has a purpose and a home. Straightening up is easy, quick and effective. There is no excess or unwanted items. Just the ones that serve you, joyfully.

As certified KonMari consultants, we guide and support you through a practice of choosing belongings that spark joy and bring purpose to your life.

The result: a lighter, more confident you and a peaceful environment composed of items that matter most.